Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Human Journey "Our Lord's Corner" ( April Edition)

          With Easter around the corner I thought I would touch on the being of us and of Christ.

          Many times in the history of Christ, there are many examples of the “human being” of Jesus Christ. To start, he was born of Mary. (Luke 2:1-20)

          He displayed anger when he drove out, by whip, those buying and selling in the temple (Matthew 21:12). Last, but most important, he suffered in his final time on earth, as he pleaded with his father to save him (Matthew 26:39).

          At many times, in our own lives and in our own history, we ask the question. If there is a god, why must we suffer? This time last year, I had the privilege of knowing one of his saints, just before she went home. Many had asked, why did she die so young?  Why did she suffer so?

          Why do babies die? Why is there war? Why is there suffering?

          I am very good friends with a Canadian Author, Murray Pura. Murray is also a Baptist minister. Recently on his face book page I had seen a borrowed quote from Stephen R. Covey. “We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey”.

          When we look at both what Christ went thru on the cross and what we continually go thru now, it becomes very easy to understand why.  We look at an 18 year old girl suffer and die from cancer and ask, why? When we look at it as "spiritual beings" thru spiritual eyes or what is going on from God’s perspective, then we see that he brought one of his, home. When she suffered, she did so to teach us of salvation. It is salvation from a living God. He sent his son Jesus Christ a spiritual being on his human journey, to suffer and die his human death; for our spiritual beings on this our human journey.