Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Star (A Headliner Christmas Special of "Our Lord's Corner") (December Edition)

          I’m behind deadline on writing this article. This morning I walked out the garage and unto my driveway. A breeze blew lightly skipping the yellow, orange, and red dried leaves. I watched them dance as my feet crunched through them and I thought to myself, how many times I had done this throughout my life. I wondered about what I was going to write.

          I took in the cool crisp, clean air deep into my being, thanking God for another day. I looked one more time at the crimson waltz around me, turned once again and walked inside.

          Here I am, thinking about the past year and Christmas. How quickly time has gone. How quickly it goes every year now at my age. It is not hard to think back at my youth.

          I remember times of heavy snow fall as we had last year. I remember that when we lost electric it would be for days. One year a telephone pole came down right across the street. We had a gravity fed oil heater and a wood burner in the kitchen and we were warm. I remember my father talking the telephone company into laying and later cutting up that creosote soaked firewood for us. It burned very hot. Freezer items had gone out to the snow where it was buried with a piece of plywood placed over top to keep the wild from it.

          There were other times I remember that we would journey to the Christmas party the Allen Wood Steel Union would hold in union hall. We had gone with our neighbors the Dunn’s. Then there was the stuffed dog which to today I can still see in my mind. I hated that! I wanted a toy gun. After all I was a little boy. I remember Christmas shopping for Baccala in Norristown at a little but popular Italian market in Norristown, Shetone’s. I remember the few times we went out to eat. It was at a little bar in trooper where we lived. We had hamburgers. My dad had a beer with it, he did like his beer.

          I laugh at myself. I remember later when I was a young man and my brother and I was in the Army. I remember my father, that when my brother couldn’t be home as I, that he kept the Christmas tree up until March so that he would have a Christmas. As a father with boys of my own and one in the Army I am reminded. I know my father’s feelings as I speak to my son Mark whether we will see him or not for Christmas and would have no doubt that I too would go through such lengths.

          I thought of this past summer, money tight, business struggling a little I had a red bag with approximately $50. of change of sorts and papers for my business. As I was helping a child bring an electric wheel chair to the car her family member was in,  I became distracted and when I unloaded my cart, must have forgotten that little red bag. It was gone. After kicking myself that Friday I had a quiet chat with the Lord. “Let it help whoever has it”, I prayed. I left it go.

          I was also reminded of others who because of their own lack of self discipline squandered 10’s of thousands of dollars. It hurt me to think of that. Then as I balanced everything I was more thankful to have lost the $50. than to have had the opportunity to blow through a lot more.

          As I am looking at Thanksgiving and preparing myself for Christmas, I am thankful that Christmas is not about the next gift. It is about those times that I remember and learn from. It is about my next breath. It is about giving or giving up. It is about family and looking at my two new grandson’s and realizing in my heart that I live on in their tiny beings. It is about looking up and taking in all of the stars that God has placed in front of me finding one bright one and remembering that on that day Jesus was born to give to us. In so doing we have rebirth every day of our lives, just by following The Star.

          On behalf of my family. We would like to wish all of you and in particular those who cannot be home for any of the holiday which are in front of us a Happy Thanksgiving, a Happy Chanukah, a Merry Christ centered Christmas and a Happy New Year.  -Wil

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sgt. Fryer Left Lasting Impression in Luxembourg (A military special by Megan C. Carpenter with Willard N. Carpenter) (December Edition)

          When serving overseas and stationed in Luxembourg, the late Lester K.
Fryer of Englesville, befriended a 13-year-old local girl, named Odette

Oestreicher,during the summer of 1944. Fryer was shipped out of
Luxembourg, a country slightly smaller than the state of Rhode Island, just
before Christmas of that year. The two lost touch after that, but Odette
would never forget the impact Lester Fryer had on her life, and a new
connection would be formed decades later.
          Before we tell the story though, we must tell how Lester Fryer came to
be in Europe during the war.
          While listening to Charles Fryer talk about his father we learned that
he did in fact tried to seek out his military records. In doing so he
found that they were destroyed in a fire. This moved me and I knew
thatthere had to be a way of learning where his father was and what he
          There was one point when we were speaking about him that he got
excited and quickly went upstairs and came back with a box containing no less
than his father’s uniforms perfectly preserved.
          What I pulled from it and what I found out after careful research is
that he was with the 8th Infantry division or nicknamed the “golden
arrow division” or “pathfinder division”.
          Lester Fryer, Tech S Sgt. or Tech Staff Sergeant Lester Fryer worked
in finance. After receiving his training in the continental U.S., he was
assigned to the 8th Infantry division and on the 15th of December 1943
the division arrived in Belfast in Northern Ireland for additional
training prior to going into combat. It remained in Northern Ireland at

two other posts until 30th of June 1944 where the division was at sea.
          On the fourth of July of 1944, after d-day it landed at Utah Beach. By
the 9th Of July it was in combat in the Manche Region of France until the
          Beginning the 5th of August of 1944 Tech Staff Sergeant Fryer moved
very quickly with his division through 6 towns in 3 regions before arriving
in Wiltz in Luxembourg, where the division prepared for the move into
Germany and the Rhineland campaign.
          From the 20th until the 28th of November, it was involved in some of
the fierce fighting of the war in the Hurtgen Forest.
          During the German’s Ardennes offensive (Battle of the Bulge) the 8th
division found itself at the northern part of the bulge. Charles Fryer
remembers his father telling him he himself seen little action during
that time but remembers seeing the tracer rounds overhead at a
          By the 3rd of May 1945 the eighth had gone thru 20 towns in 4 German
regions, its last being Mecklenburg. During this time Charles because
of his Pa. Dutch (German) back round was called upon as an interpreter.
          This history now takes a turn and brings us to the story that brought
us to Charles Fryer and his father’s story.
          Almost two years ago, Lester’s son, Charles, received a letter from a
Luxembourg man named Tom Wagner. The letter inquired as to whether
Charles was the son of a World War II soldier named Lester. Charles
was the grandson on Odette, who was now 81 years old. Charles sent a photo
of his father to Charles and Odette and the trio struck up continued
          Odette had so many questions about what happened to the American
soldier who was so nice to her and her family once the war had ended.
          So in June of 2013, 69 years after his father, Charles Fryer went to
Luxembourg. Charles met Odette, her children and Tom. There for
Odette’s 82nd birthday, Charles brought items for Odette including photos of
his father and the gavel from when he served as Speaker Pro Tempe of the
Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
          Though Odette doesn’t speak English, and Charles doesn’t speak
Luxembourgish, the two communicated through her grandson who speaks
both languages. While there, Odette kept referring to Charles’ father as
her Lester. Charles hopes to go back to Luxembourg possibly as soon as

mid January.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

To The Beginnings "Our Lord's Corner" (October Edition)

           I like this, it gets down to the nuts and bolts of it all! Do we believe in God, why and why not? It’s easy for me, the argument simple. If you’re right and I’m wrong...nothing absolutely nothing! I die...I’m gone. If I’m right and your burn for eternity! Do you feel like gamling? Yep that’s my argument to anyone looking to debate the reality of God.

          But actually for me there is much more to it! It is creation, nature, rocks, trees, rivers and much more. As a nurse, it is anatomy and physiology. It is baby’s, it is looking into people’s eyes and seeing their soul. It is the physical, psychological and spiritual of the human species. In nursing this triad is called holism. The human species is not that without any of the three and as a nurse all three had to be respected.

          Then the proof of the above, of course there is any number of unbelievers who would still argue. This is when I go to my story.

          I have a friend who lives in Rural Retreat, Virginia. His name is Dan, and every year he and other believers set up a stand at local fairs about creation.        The argument to attract folks goes like this. They hold up a picture of a beautiful country scene. They simply say that the picture, a painting was unearthed and not created by any one person. It, the painting came about naturally over the course of millions of years.

          Everyone! This is so beautiful it had to be created by someone! There it is! Even the unbelievers said the same thing. Yet the actual scene by which the painting was taken had to happen by accident, and the unbeliever would have me believe that. It’s remains and always will remain for me when arguing, I keep it simple and go to the beginning.

Blue, The Color Of Charactor (September Edition)

           It goes without saying that everyone that I have interviewed has been men and woman of character. The military by its own nature is a place that instills character in men and woman.

          Seldom though do they speak of this. The men and woman of the military are a quiet humble group for the most part. Respectful always, I can get a good idea of a military individual by hearing someone sir me.

          It was my last interview that showed again a unique story in another local Boyertown graduate. Griffin Holauchock grew up right around the corner from my family and me. He played with our as well with all the children in our small neighborhood of twenty homes.

          A 2006 graduate of Boyertown High School, Griffin grew not only in stature but also in character as I soon realized while interviewing him by phone from my desk. Following graduation he began studies at Penn State receiving a degree in Biobehavioral Health (BBH).

          Following graduation he took a year off and went to work for the Lehigh Valley Health Network or Lehigh Valley Hospital from 2010-2011 as a nurse’s aide.

          Salus University, 2011 began a new aspect to Griffin’s life as he began his studies as a Physician Assistant under a U.S. Air force contract.

          Graduating in the fall of 2013 he began his officer’s basic training with the U.S. Air force at Maxwell Air force base, Alabama, in January of 2014.

          At the present time Griffin is assigned to Andrews AFB working in family health. Though he enjoys all aspects of his job, he most enjoys working with active duty personnel.

          At the end of the day he spends time working out for an hour before returning home to his fiancée, Abby Mott. Abby received her doctor of audiology from Salus University, where the two met. She works for a civilian provider. The two live in Maryland and plan a local, spring wedding in 2015.

          Speaking with Griffin I learned that he is on a 3 year active duty contract and that he can see himself in the Air force as a career.

          When I asked Griffin what he likes about his job he told me “I find it gratifying helping patients”. Then I asked him why he joined the Air force, he responded... “I like the integrity and honor of the military”. “I like the core values of the military”. It was at this time that I realized that character took on a new color, blue, Air force blue.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Backie Juice "Our Lord's Corner" (August Edition)

           I remember as a child suffering from numerous and quite painful earaches. Ear aches was my tribulation during that time. Never knew such pain could exist. When it came in the middle of the night it was a nightmare. The house would be in a flurry as I woke my brothers and my sister and my parents. It was the late fifties and early sixties and my father being a country boy had his home remedies.

          One of those was taking hand rolling tobacco, placing it in one of his red handkerchiefs, balling it up and soaking it in a coffee cup of warm water. Then he would place my head sideways on the table and pour the liquid in. Instant warmth and the earache began to subside.

          The miracle was in turning my head down and letting the liquid backie juice out. It got very warm just shy of hot and more times than not I would near fall asleep right there on the kitchen table, as peace would settle over me.

          Today we all face different forms of tribulation whether it is in our daily dealing with people or business. We find ourselves needing stomach meds or Tylenol we all will find ourselves in need of relief from the everyday angst of life. Mine comes from the following verse.

John 16:33

King James Version (KJV)

33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

          With a smile I think of this verse much like my daddy’s home remedy. Warmth washes over me as I think of the peace I receive and am reminded of backie juice.

Semper Fidelis (August Edition)

           Yes always faithful describes staff sergeant Kyle Sheidy of the United States Marines. I sat down with Kyle and his wife Ashley in a small Zerns restaurant. Always faithful to family, always faithful to community and always faithful to country is how I see Kyle as he begins the story as to why he joined the Marines.

            Kyle explained to me that at an early age he did not want to be a burden on his parents. He got a job while in school and took care of his own lunch money and when he began to think about his future he didn’t just want to get by. He wanted to be successful. He ruled out college again because he didn’t want to burden his mother and father with the expense and thus the Marines because he pictured it the hardest thing he could do.

            He joined the marines in the year of 2003 with a delayed entry. In the summer of 2004 he went active duty on an engineer’s job guaranty. Deployment came early in 2005 when he found himself in Iraq. As with so many who deploy, he found himself leaving a wife pregnant with their first child behind.

            While in Iraq he with his engineer battalion built forward operating bases and quarters for troops. He described his most memorable build and his greatest sense of accomplishment came from a U.S. Army tank battalion that was 6 months without quarters and a shower.

            When the build was accomplished he described the company commander as crying when he finally stepped into air-conditioning for the first time. The emotion wasn’t limited to the company commander.

            He completed a second tour in Iraq in 2007.  After 4 years a marine he found himself not able to promote beyond corporal and took on a new job within the corp in logistics where he presently works.

            After 10 years in the marines he was prepared to separate and go to work in a civilian capacity with DOD. This was until he was offered an assignment which will now take his family and himself to Okinawa, Japan for 3 years. He now sees himself on a career tract verbalizing that he will have 14 years in the Marines at completion of this contract.

            His wife Ashley and he met while both working at a local eatery in Boyertown and while both were in high school. They have two children, the oldest a son, Andrew is 8 and their daughter Taylor is 5. They have been married 8 years.

            On a personal note I remember Kyle as a young boy within my BSA venturing program. And now as I sit across from him I look up to a man and admire him as I think to myself..Semper Fidelis!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"We Should Take a Walk Someday" Part II Do You Believe This? (June Edition)

          The sun shined brightly even as it began to set this past Saturday. Outside, people could be seen walking hand in hand. They felt each other’s warmth as they listened to birds chirping in nearby trees. Little children played nearby in green grass reflecting the coolness of the now setting sun. 

          In the sterile surroundings of an oncology unit in a distant Delaware Hospital a little girl just barely inside of her adulthood sleeps comfortably while her mother and aunt keep vigil.

          Nurses quietly walk the floor doing as they always, caring and showing warmth to those under their care. A smile with a squint brings rest to a weary young one. Children’s eyes forced open with fear are calmed by the brush of their hair with caring hands.

          The unit is quiet except for the occasional chatter between patients and their nurses. Crying can be heard in the distance at times.

          Quietly, a mother and father’s hand holds onto their child’s arm in a reassuring fashion.  As eyes meet, souls are seen.

          A few miles away a farmers market is busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday shoppers that look through vegetables sitting on stands.

          People can be seen eating as they watch television. Engrossed in the next scene, they reach around for their drinks.

          Grown children are eagerly awaited as they travel those last few miles to their home. Away for a long time, they close in on parents who long to embrace them.

          An Angel stands nearby as the soul of a little girl nears flight for its home. In her sleep she dreams of flowers opening and bumble bees flying over the pales of yellows, blues and lavenders.

          Aromatic opened buds reach for the blue above. Her hands brush the tops of yellow fields waving with each slight breeze.

          As she looks up a dove in the brightest of whites dances over head pausing but for a moment as a bright light shines down around fluttering feathers, shining and warming her face.

          Looking down she finds herself walking streets of pure gold towards her new home a mansion of her own. Ahead she sees her father’s face for the first time. He smiles at her.

          Now standing amongst other saints she hears the angels sing to her.

          Bliss felt, she no longer has pain or sickness. Her scars are gone as she is made whole.  No longer is she alone.

          She looks over at her hand filled with the tenderness of someone who for one time loved her in the little girl she once was. 

          There was a familiarity to the care shown to her.

          Then she remembers as she again smiles looking at him and says, “We should take a walk someday.”



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Military Update (May Edition)

1st Lt. Mark W. Carpenter graduated from the U.S. Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker, Alabama. He is pictured with his fiancee, Bianca Funer, originally of Ansbach, Germany. Carpenter is a 2008 graduate of Boyertown Area Senior High School.

We Should Take a Walk Someday "Our Lord's Corner" (May Edition)


         The first time I visited Miranda, the sun began to set low in the late afternoon over Schwamm (the meadowland of the Gilbertsville/New Hanover area). It had cast a shadow from behind the house, leaving me in the cool shade as I got out of my car. I wasn’t there to visit her.

          I had heard from my wife, Michele, that Miranda’s mother, a former student of Michele's, had some supplies that could be used at the nursing school from which she had just graduated. The supplies were no longer reusable from the standpoint of patients, but would help to supplement a lab.

          I was so drawn to Miranda Ram Nolte's story (she had been fighting cancer for the past six years), that I had forgotten about the supplies stacked neatly on the front porch. I had brought with me my two novels and thought maybe she would like an easy read.

          Once I got through to everyone who came to the front door who the stranger was, I was let in and was escorted to the second floor and Miranda’s room where her aunt was reading to her.

          Miranda, sitting on her side and under covers greeted me with a smile. I looked at the young girl with no hair and was drawn to her eyes. I believe that they are the windows to ones soul.

          I was nervous, as I introduced myself. I asked if she liked to read and she said, "Yes." I told her about my two books and told her that I would sign them. My older fingers shook as I tried hard to steady myself and put words to the front inside pages of the books. As I looked at her again, I found something very spiritually special about her.

          I was drawn to innocence, where I feel that these young people should not have to go through what they do, as I was reminded of another young girl in Florida who also finds herself in hospice care.

          I was drawn to the strength of this young girl who could still smile. I was drawn to something very magical that said, "know me".

          I was drawn to her talent. Beyond Tae Kwon Do, she can sing and she can write. I learned that she had completed her memoirs, and I wanted to know more about them. Knowing very little, I was convinced that they had to be special and I told her they could be published.

          When I got home I was drawn; God laid a path and I began to follow. I found two videos by her. In one, she was singing, beautifully I might add. The other was on faith, her faith. I immediately knew what she was speaking about. It was her perfect peace with our savior.

          A short time later, I received her memoirs, attached to messages on Facebook. As soon as I opened them, I recopied and began making a book. It was time consuming but flowed easily.

          On April 12th, I went for a visit. I spent somewhere just shy of an hour with her. I showed her the cover, which both surprised and thrilled her. We talked about pictures for her bio for the back of the book and additional chapters that I was going to need.

          When I was finished, I didn’t want to leave. As I Stood she pulled her hand out from under the covers. I reached out and took hold of it just for a moment. I felt her warmth.

          How strong we are physically, mentally, spiritually as humans. Miranda teaches us that, in the simplicity of faith, we can overcome- maybe not overcome death of the physical self- but we can overcome death of the spiritual self.

          In the Gospel, according to John, Jesus said to Martha, 25 “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, 26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

          I ask you, do you believe this? What will you do? What have you done in your faith when told you will return home? ...That you will leave your temporary home and leave those you love behind?

          Miranda both teaches and reminds us very simply that, once you let go and let God, that there is absolute peace and tranquility.

          She teaches us as she sang that life is a journey, not a destination, that, yes, we can have peace in the face of both the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death and everything in between.
          Miranda smiles! She smiles and has joy! It is amazing what life in the eyes and a smile can teach us, remind us. I am joined with her in knowing this joy that comes from a simple faith. Now I ask you, do you believe this? 

Editor's Note: Miranda's book, We Should Take a Walk Someday, is expected to be released at the end of the month. We will follow up, in our June edition, with details about where to purchase it.

Beyond The Blue Skies (May Edition)

          It is only fitting when looking for someone to write about for my military article, I take into full consideration that it is Memorial Day.

          Looking into the blue skies over Boyertown we move from the air assets of today’s U.S. Army and now move to the U.S. Air force. More specifically what the Air force was before it was the Air force, the U.S. Army Air force.

          General Carl Andrew Spaatz, a Boyertown native, is the founder of the modern Air force. During WWII, General Spaatz at one point became commander of the 8th Air force in Europe, May 1942, but I’m not going to speak of General Spaatz in this column.

          Earl R. Fryer was a member of the 38th Fighter Squadron of the 55th Fighter Group of the Eighth Air force. Capt Earl R. Fryer was a native of Boyertown also. He lived on the fringes of Boyertown in a place still know as Englesville, nicknamed "Spunktown".

          Captain Fryer, I have learned, was a colorful figure. A fighter pilot, fighter ace, he is credited with anywhere from 5 kills to 6.5 to 8 kills, dependent on the record. The fact remains that he is Boyertown’s lone fighter ace. This brings me to Boyertown and local resident and attorney, Charles Fryer. Mr. Fryer is the nephew of Captain Fryer.

          I met with Mr. Fryer at his home in Boyertown. We sat in chairs near the fireplace facing center room and angled to each other. We found that we both liked to talk and we both liked to listen as he began telling me the story of his uncle.

          Earl Fryer grew up on a farm in Englesville. He had an older brother, Lester, Charles’ father, of whom I was interviewing. A tech sergeant, Lester served during the war in Luxemburg. Charles shared a little more about his father, which will be an incredible human interest story for another edition. There was also the younger brother, Ernst, who also served in the war in Borneo.

          Charles shared about how the family was embarrassed that they didn’t have indoor plumbing, just after the war, and the $10.00 war bonds of the time went to pay for indoor plumbing. “It was a simpler time”, he brought up as he kidded about the outhouse and how it was used to hunt and shoot from.

          “Earl loved his education," shared Charles. At one point, during The Great Depression, Earl was told that he would have to quit school and find work. “He was seen crying with his head down on the kitchen table," Charles continued. To bring in money, Earl ran a produce route until the war to help the family.

          The war brought the Royal Air force down from Canada to the United States, more specifically, the Waldorf Astoria in New York. The Fryer boys piled into a car and pulled right up in front of the building and went inside. Disappointed, Earl found out that he needed a high school education to become a pilot.

          Once home at the age of 26, he went to Reading and finished his high school education. He then joined the Army Air force. While in California as a pilot, he found himself in a whirlwind romance and married a girl from Washington State.

          While an instructor at Hamilton Air Force base near San Francisco, he flew his P-38 underneath the Golden Gate Bridge. Returning from his colorful flight, he was met by military police and escorted to the base commander. The story goes that he wasn’t punished- just asked to promise not to do it again- of which he couldn’t do. Charles and I had such a good laugh about this. Two weeks later he was in the European theater of World War II. 

          The Eighth Air force credits Capt. Earl Fryer with 8 kills, which makes him an “ace." 
          Charles shared with me that he had made contact with a Colonel Littlefield who remembered the Captain.        
          Colonel Littlefield, in his conversation with Charles, described one mission where 3 of his 8 kills came in 2 ½ minutes of one dog fight. He also described the Captain of having to bail out of his plane which was on fire over the English Channel. The Colonel described that it was not glamorous or heroic. They went out and did a job not much different than going to the office.
          On his last mission, Captain Earl Fryer, with his wing man, strafed a railroad in Holland. He was hit, his engine was losing coolant. While white smoke was billowing from the engine, he told his wingman “Tell my wife I’m ok.” His wingman had ammo left and wanted to go back and finish the job and the captain told him to take another of their squadron with him.

          Post War repatriation brought Hank Brink with his fiancée back to their farm in Holland. While walking through the woods they came across the remnant of the P-51 mustang with Spunktown on the side. Next to it was a cross marking the grave of Captain Earl Fryer. The Germans had buried him, wrapped in his parachute, next to his plane. They notified the Americans. It took about 2 years, but the remains of Captain Earl Fryer were finally returned to Union Cemetery, in Boyertown, for re-internment.

          This Memorial Day, while we remember those who gave all for this country, we look to those like Captain Earl Fryer and, while we look up, we look beyond the blue skies. 

Willard N. Carpenter & the staff of The Boyertown Bulletin wish to thank Charles Fryer, of Boyertown, for his invaluable and memorable interview.