Wednesday, August 6, 2014

To The Beginnings "Our Lord's Corner" (October Edition)

           I like this, it gets down to the nuts and bolts of it all! Do we believe in God, why and why not? It’s easy for me, the argument simple. If you’re right and I’m wrong...nothing absolutely nothing! I die...I’m gone. If I’m right and your burn for eternity! Do you feel like gamling? Yep that’s my argument to anyone looking to debate the reality of God.

          But actually for me there is much more to it! It is creation, nature, rocks, trees, rivers and much more. As a nurse, it is anatomy and physiology. It is baby’s, it is looking into people’s eyes and seeing their soul. It is the physical, psychological and spiritual of the human species. In nursing this triad is called holism. The human species is not that without any of the three and as a nurse all three had to be respected.

          Then the proof of the above, of course there is any number of unbelievers who would still argue. This is when I go to my story.

          I have a friend who lives in Rural Retreat, Virginia. His name is Dan, and every year he and other believers set up a stand at local fairs about creation.        The argument to attract folks goes like this. They hold up a picture of a beautiful country scene. They simply say that the picture, a painting was unearthed and not created by any one person. It, the painting came about naturally over the course of millions of years.

          Everyone! This is so beautiful it had to be created by someone! There it is! Even the unbelievers said the same thing. Yet the actual scene by which the painting was taken had to happen by accident, and the unbeliever would have me believe that. It’s remains and always will remain for me when arguing, I keep it simple and go to the beginning.

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